Knowledge Library » Just Words® State Recognitions

Just Words® State Recognitions

California: Meets California Social Content Review

Fundations, Just Words®, the Wilson Reading System® (WRS), and Wilson Fluency®/Basic have been approved by the California State Board of Education as meeting the state’s social content standards. This means the materials contained in each of Wilson’s programs:

  • Portray accurately and equitably the cultural and racial diversity of American society.
  • Demonstrate the contribution of minority groups and males and females to the development of California and the United States.
  • Depict people in varied, positive, and contributing roles to enrich students’ school experiences.
  • Avoid inappropriate references to commercial brand names, products, and corporate or company logos.

Read more here.

Illinois State Board of Education: Qualified Professionals Specializing in Structured Literacy Intervention 

The Illinois State Board of Education identified Wilson Language Training as an organization offering structured literacy intervention.

Maryland: Maryland Leads Partner Program

WLT is approved as a Maryland Leads Partner in the Science of Reading Category for Fundations, Just Words, and WRS materials and professional learning. Maryland Leads is an initiative designed to support Maryland Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in overcoming learning loss and achievement gaps from the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more here.

New Mexico: Structured Literacy Instructional Materials and Professional Learning Adoption

Fundations, Just Words, and WRS have been added to the New Mexico Public Education Department’s lists of structured literacy programs and structured literacy professional learning.

Ohio: Approved Evidence-Based Reading Intervention Program

The Ohio Department of Education has added Just Words to their list of approved Evidence-Based Reading Intervention Programs. For more information, refer to this page of the Ohio Department of Education site.

Utah State Board of Education: Instructional Materials Review

The Utah State Board of Education has approved Just Words as an evidence-based intervention curriculum as part of their ELA instructional materials review.

Virginia Department of Education: Virginia Literacy Partnership

Just Words is recommended by the Virginia Literacy Partnership for Intervention Phonics instruction.

An accelerated, highly explicit, multimodal Tier 2 word study program for students in Grades 4–12 and adults who have mild to moderate gaps in their decoding and spelling proficiency but do not require intensive intervention.

Fostering confident, independent readers and writers, together.

Schedule a meeting today to discover how Wilson Language Training can be your partner in success.