Traditional grammar instruction fails the students who struggle. It puts a huge strain on their brain’s built-in whiteboard: working memory.
Students’ internal whiteboards are only so big, so there’s a limit to how many words they can hold.
Like disappearing ink, language fades from working memory in a handful of seconds.
When students lose words before they can work on and use them, their language gets all muddled up.
Some grammar structures are known to be hard for students who struggle with language. They forget the words before they can work out their meaning.
Rather than teach students to memorize a zillion parts of speech, we show them how groups of words work together as a chunk.
They can see how the sentence is built and what each part means
With Unlocking Sentences, students make measurable gains in sentence comprehension that transfers to writing.
Small group speech-language instruction outside the classroom brought about statistically significant gains on standardized measures of syntax competence.
Classroom-based speech-language services combined with Tier One instruction in grades four and five brought about gains across all ability levels.
Unlocking Sentences is a live and interactive class with tons of hands on practice. Class size is limited to 50, so don’t wait to register!